
Nottinghamshire Miners’ Welfare Trust Fund 

This is a local charity whose aim is to provide help, advice and support to anyone who was employed at a Nottinghamshire Colliery, including their widows. 

If you would like more information on the support they provide, please contact them at www.nmwtf.co.uk

Please note that this Charity is not connected to The Notts Miners Pension Scheme and our Staff will not be able to provide advice on the support they offer.

Annual Report - 30 September 2023

The Scheme’s Annual Report at 30 September 2023 is now available to members.

Please contact the Scheme on 01623 626967 to request a copy.

Scheme Information

The Trustees of the Nottinghamshire and District Miners’ Pension Scheme 1939 have become increasingly concerned in recent weeks at the level of disinformation being spread in the communities of former mineworkers about the Scheme. The information circulating via social media, websites or in person is being generated by people who have long standing grievances against the Scheme. They are deliberately spreading falsehoods which are designed to undermine the Scheme and upset the many dedicated people who run it.

The Scheme, established in 1939, provides a modest weekly pension for former mineworkers in the Notts Wages District. It is a private trust which receives no income from government nor contributions from members but lives entirely on the income it can generate from its investments. It employs a small number of salaried staff in the office in Mansfield.

Certain people have for many months and years circulated untrue claims that the Trustees and staff of the Scheme are denying cash payments or higher benefits to the community or that people who are not members should benefit. A new rumour is being spread that there are two schemes, one of which is run by the “Spencer Union” which also has hidden cash not being shared with miners.


One or two individuals in particular are telling former miners to contact the Scheme and make complaints. They have visited the Scheme Office and have verbally abused and behaved aggressively towards female members of staff, which is why we have had to involve the Police.

We have also had to warn these individuals that giving people financial advice without any qualification is a crime and will be reported to the Financial Conduct Authority.

This has been interpreted on social media recently as an attempt to stifle free speech. It is not, and we welcome enquiries from members through proper channels. What we will not tolerate is abuse and threatening behaviour to our staff, in person or on the telephone. 

The only source of correct and reliable information about the Scheme is the Scheme Administration Office and the Scheme’s official website (www.nmps39.org.uk). Please do not listen to misinformation about the Scheme – all the benefits to which members are legally entitled are being paid and there is no other funding available. Please help us put an end to this distressing situation by ignoring rumours and conspiracy theories. Thank you.